Results for 'Molnár Attila Károly'

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    Polányi Mihály.Molnár Attila Károly - 2002 - Budapest: Új Mandátum. Edited by Attila Károly Molnár.
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  2. Axiomatizing relativistic dynamics using formal thought experiments.Attila Molnár & Gergely Székely - 2015 - Synthese 192 (7):2183-2222.
    Thought experiments are widely used in the informal explanation of Relativity Theories; however, they are not present explicitly in formalized versions of Relativity Theory. In this paper, we present an axiom system of Special Relativity which is able to grasp thought experiments formally and explicitly. Moreover, using these thought experiments, we can provide an explicit definition of relativistic mass based only on kinematical concepts and we can geometrically prove the Mass Increase Formula in a natural way, without postulates of conservation (...)
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  3. Tocqueville and the democratic churning.Attila K. Molnar - 2014 - In Zbigniew Rau & Marek Tracz-Tryniecki (eds.), Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives. Lanham, Maryland: Upa.
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    Authority: Fragments of the Good Regime.Attila K. Molnár - 2021 - In Eric S. Kos (ed.), Oakeshott’s Skepticism, Politics, and Aesthetics. Springer Verlag. pp. 127-141.
    In spite of the constant disdain of conservatives for utopias, they continued the Greek tradition of reflection on the good regime. The good regime for Oakeshott contained the possibility of a decent life and freedom, potentially resulting in conflicts. For him the good regime does not prevent fights, but it provides some solution to settle them. This logic involves the need for enforcement. The authority for many people on the Right seems to be a plausible and convenient solution for the (...)
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    Metafora, relevancia, jelentés.Tibor Bárány, Zsófia Zvolenszky & János Tőzsér (eds.) - 2015 - Budapest: Loisir Kiadó.
    Még 2013 májusában került sor arra a Metafora című nyelvészeti és filozófiai workshopra, amelynek a keretein belül elhangzottak a jelen kötetben helyet kapott tanulmányok alapját képező, az Erasmus Kollégium nyelvfilozófiai kutatócsoportjának tagjai által jegyzett előadások. Ezeknek, s így a mostani összeállításnak is kiemelt témája a relevanciaelmélet, amellyel (pontosabban annak metaforafelfogásával) részletesen foglalkozik a bevezető dolgozat, illetve az azt követő három írás. Ezek közül az elsőben Pete Krisztián a teória klasszikus vonulatát állítja párhuzamba az átdolgozott, továbbfejlesztett változatokkal, majd Zvolenszky Zsófia - (...)
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    A tekintet szintaxisa: Francois Molnar válogatott tanulmányai a kortárs művészet tükrében.François Molnar - 2011 - Budapest: MTA Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet. Edited by Judit Faludy.
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  7. Disenfranchisement and the Capacity / Equality Puzzle: Why Disenfranchise Children But Not Adults Living with Cognitive Disabilities?Attila Mráz - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (2):255-279.
    In this paper, I offer a solution to the Capacity/Equality Puzzle. The puzzle holds that an account of the franchise may adequately capture at most two of the following: (1) a political equality-based account of the franchise, (2) a capacity-based account of disenfranchising children, and (3) universal adult enfranchisement. To resolve the puzzle, I provide a complex liberal egalitarian justification of a moral requirement to disenfranchise children. I show that disenfranchising children is permitted by both the proper political liberal and (...)
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  8. Powers: A Study in Metaphysics.George Molnar - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Stephen Mumford.
    George Molnar came to see that the solution to a number of the problems of contemporary philosophy lay in the development of an alternative to Hume's metaphysics. This alternative would have real causal powers at its centre. Molnar set about developing a thorough account of powers that might persuade those who remained, perhaps unknowingly, in the grip of Humean assumptions. He succeeded in producing something both highly focused and at the same time wide-ranging. He showed both that the notion of (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Attilâ İlhan'ın defteri.Attilâ İlhan - 1900 - Cağaloğlu, İst. [i.e. İstanbul]: Özgür Yayın Dağıtım.
    -- 5. Sağım solum sobe -- 6. Ulusal kültür savaşı -- 7. Sosyaliz, asıl şimdi -- 8. Aydınlar savaşı -- 9. Kadınlar savaşı.
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  10. (1 other version)Powers: A Study in Metaphysics.George Molnar & Stephen Mumford - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (221):674-677.
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    How to Justify Mandatory Electoral Quotas: A Political Egalitarian Approach.Attila Mráz - 2021 - Legal Theory 27 (4):285-315.
    (OPEN ACCESS) This paper offers a novel substantive justification for mandatory electoral quotas—e.g., gender or racial quotas—and a new methodological approach to their justification. Substantively, I argue for a political egalitarian account of electoral quotas. Methodologically, based on this account and a political egalitarian grounding of political participatory rights, I offer an alternative to the External Restriction Approach to the justification of electoral quotas. The External Restriction Approach sees electoral quotas as at best justified restrictions on political participatory rights. I (...)
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    Defeasible propositions.George Molnar - 1967 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):185 – 197.
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    Through an American Lens, Hungary, 1938: Photographs of Margaret Bourke-White.Karoly Szerences, Katalin Kádár Lynn & Peter Strausz - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    Noted Hungarian historian Karoly Szerencses provides brief, steam-of-consciousness essays to accompany each photo. Acting as the photographer's fictive guide, Szerencses introduces "Margaret" to each of her photos, providing her with an encapsulated historical background of the subject and in the process revealing the soul and conscience of the nation in 1938. As he says in farewell to Margaret at the end of their "tour": "... please remember us, our terrible fears; recite a prayer for us so that we may say, (...)
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    Nudges and Budges.Karoly Majtenyi & Matthew Ruble - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):72-74.
    Volume 19, Issue 5, May 2019, Page 72-74.
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  15. Truthmakers for negative truths.George Molnar - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (1):72 – 86.
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    Making Progressives: Necessary Conditions are Sufficient.Károly Varasdi - 2014 - Journal of Semantics 31 (2):fft004.
    Next SectionIn order to cope with the imperfective paradox, the assumption that the event in progress must get completed, if not in the actual world, then in a counterfactual world or worlds, has been a part of the standard modal approach to the progressive since Dowty (1977). This is generally coupled with the further assumption that some variant of normalcy should be used to single out the relevant counterfactual continuations. Recently, however, Bonomi (1999), Gendler Szabó (2004, 2008) and Wulf (2009) (...)
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    Epicurus on the self.Attila Németh - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    Epicurus on the Self reconstructs a part of Epicurean ethics which only survives on the fragmentary papyrus rolls excavated from an ancient library in Herculaneum, On Nature XXV. The aim of this book is to contribute to a deeper understanding of Epicurus' moral psychology, ethics and of its robust epistemological framework. The book also explores how the notion of the self emerges in Epicurus' struggle to express the individual perspective of oneself in the process of one's holistic self-reflection as an (...)
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    Der Ursprung der Griechischen Philosophie von Hesiod bis Parmenides.E. F. Molnar - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (3):432-433.
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  19. Europe and the Global Processes.Attila Agh - 1985 - Dialectics and Humanism 12 (1):119-128.
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  20. Public Sector Reforms, Institutional Design and Strategy for Good Governance in East Central Europe. Good Governance or''Rethinking the State''?A. G. H. Attila - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53.
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  21. An Open Letter to the Prussian Minister of Justice.Karoly Maria Benkert - 1997 - In Mark Blasius & Shane Phelan (eds.), We are everywhere: a historical sourcebook of gay and lesbian politics. New York: Routledge.
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    La metabasi e il concetto della verità.Attila Fáj - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 5:143-150.
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  23. Vico, il filosofo della metabasi.Attila FÁj - 1976 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 31 (3):251.
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  24. Intergenerational justice : promotion of renewables and the water protection objective.Karolis Gudas & Simona Weber - 2019 - In Thomas Cottier, Shaheeza Lalani & Clarence Siziba (eds.), Intergenerational equity: environmental and cultural concerns. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    Gaia Infiltrata: The Anthroposphere as a Complex Autoparasitic System.Károly Henrich - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (4):489-507.
    This paper compares the heuristic potential of three metaphorical paired concepts used in the relevant literature to characterise global relationships between the anthroposphere and the ecosphere. Methodologically, the guiding question is whether and to what extent metaphorical theses can support an arrival at hypotheses which accurately reflect reality and possess explanatory force. The predator-prey model implies that the populations of two species in such a relationship in principle exhibit coupled oscillations, giving prey populations the possibility of periodic regeneration. For some (...)
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    Freie Subjekte in der Welt der Physik: die analytische Transzendentalphilosophie von Peter Rohs in der Diskussion.Attila Karakuş, Martin Pleitz & Christian Weidemann (eds.) - 2014 - Münster: Mentis.
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    A filmelmélet változásai.Károly Nemes - 1981 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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  28. Freundschaft und Selbstverständniss bei Aristoteles.Attila Simon - 2006 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:275-298.
    The paper investigates the notion of friendship in Aristotle’s moral philosophy. The key issue here is what role Aristotle attributes to the ‘other’ as friend in the self-appreciation of the moral individual. The discussion proceeds in three main steps: first I chart the anthropological connections of the Aristotelian notion of friendship; then I delineate in detail the discussions of self-knowledge and self-cognition in the framework of Aristotle’s ontology and philosophy of perception; finally, I set out what consequences Aristotle’s repeated assertion (...)
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    Kulturgeschichte der Physik: von den Anfängen bis heute.Károly Simonyi - 2001 - Frankfurt am Main: H. Deutsch.
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    Kulturgeschichte der Physik.Károly Simonyi - 1990 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    A komikum breviáriuma.Károly Szalay - 1970 - Budapest,: Magvető Könyvkiadó.
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    Resisting the ‘civilising mission’. Analysing Hungarian conspiracy theories through standpoint theory.Attila Kustán Magyari & Robert Imre - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Hungarian right-wing populists have been applying decolonial rhetoric in their conspiracy theories over the past three decades. Understanding their resistance against the ‘civilising' mission of ‘the West' – or recently ‘Brussels' – needs specific tools. By applying standpoint theory, our interest is in the domestication of globally existing conspiracy theories. Instead of imposing an external rationale upon conspiracy theory thinking, we seek to understand the conspiracy thinking from its' own epistemological standpoint/positioning. Extending our analysis of the recently successful political party (...)
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    Some Dogmatic Consequences of Paul F. Knitter’s Unitarian Theocentrism.Paul D. Molnar - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (3):449-495.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SOME DOGMATIC CONSEQUENCES OF PAUL F. KNITTER'S UNITARIAN THEOCENTRISM PAUL D. MOLNAR St. John's University Jamaica, New York EACTIONS TO Paul Knitter's No Other Nanie? vary from criticizing his "unitarian theocentrism" 1 and his sliding away from "creedal Chrisitology" 2 to unequivocail endorsement of his" less Christocentric approach to a theo1ogy of religions;" 3 this shows the challenge Knitter poses to current dogmatics. This 1arHcile w1ll explore three critical (...)
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    “Thinking Politically, Seeing Historically”. Hannah Arendt on the Method of Political Thinking.Attila M. Demeter - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:131-148.
    In my paper, I try to summarize Hannah Arendt’s reflections on the method of political thinking, following them through their genesis. My fundamental assumption is that although she had been preoccupied with the issue before (at least from 1957), she became more seriously interested in it after the controversy following the publication of the Eichmann volume. It is generally known that Arendt believed to have found the pattern for the method of political thinking in Kant’s third critique, the one about (...)
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    Seneca and the narrative self.Attila Németh - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (5):845-865.
    This paper focuses on the narrative aspect of Seneca’s idea of self-transformation. It compares Seneca’s viewpoint with some modern notions of the narrative self to highlight some parallels and significant differences between the ancient and modern conceptions and it establishes the reading of some parts of De Brev. Vit. in the context of other passages as concerned with the narrative self. The paper argues, amongst other points, that in Ep. 83.1–3, Seneca extends the practice of meditatio (ethically directed self-examination) by (...)
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  36. On the Road to Meaning.Attila Tanyi - manuscript
    The paper offers a philosophically infused analysis of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. The main idea is that McCarthy’s novel is primarily a statement on the meaning of life. Once this idea is argued for and endorsed, by using a parallel between The Road and a 19th century Hungarian dramatic poem, The Tragedy of Man, the paper goes on to argue that the most plausible – although admittedly not the only possible – interpretation of The Road is that it advocates a (...)
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    Language dominance shapes non-linguistic rhythmic grouping in bilinguals.Monika Molnar, Manuel Carreiras & Judit Gervain - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):150-159.
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    The Grammar of Faith. Ludwig Wittgenstein on Madness and Religious Faith.Attila M. Demeter - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:31-50.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein repeatedly called religion and faith “madness”, “folly”, etc. However, this does not mean that he considered it irrational or meaningless. Rather, he saw in it a way of thinking and speaking, a “language-game”, that was not explicitly rational, but nevertheless meaningful, and in which there were “entirely different connections” than normal between individual statements. Nor can the language of faith be regarded as conventional, according to Wittgenstein, even if approached from the point of view of the nature of (...)
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    Entre Identidade e Subjetividade: Uma Reflexão a Partir Dos Relatos de Sujeitos Com Autismo.Attila Ruschi Secchin & Ricardo Nery Falbo - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (2):21.
    Universal por estar no direito e particular por estar fora do direito, o “sujeito” de referência deste trabalho é o “autista”. Esta escolha garantiu a definição do sistema social, que foi concebido segundo o modo como os autistas se viam ou eram vistos. O sistema teórico foi delimitado segundo tradições intelectuais que problematizam o “sujeito” de acordo com questões formuladas pelos campos empíricos. O esquema metodológico visa a conhecer o “sujeito” por dentro dos sistemas e entre eles. O objetivo teórico (...)
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    Párhuzamok: eszé, sok idézettel, az analógiákról.Károly Duló - 2010 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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    Human Nature and the Concept of Basic Needs.Attila Ágh - 1981 - Dialectics and Humanism 8 (3):81-93.
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    Európa értékrendi válsága, úton a vég felé.Karoly Györfi - 2017 - Budapest: Püski.
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    Compactness versus interior-to-edge ratio; two approaches for habitat's ranking.Attila R. Imre - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (1):21-26.
    In landscape ecology spatial descriptors (or indices) can be used to characterize habitats. Some of these descriptors can be used for habitat's ranking; this ranking is very important for conservation purposes. We would like to show that two traditional descriptors, namely the compactness and interior-to-edge ratio can give contradictory results. Being the second one is a more relevant descriptor, we would like to propose to avoid the further use the compactness in habitat's ranking.
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    The listener of the chthonic god sand the barroom player: Adorno’s experience of Schubert.Dragana Jeremic-Molnar - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (2):173-190.
    Autorka u clanku rekonstruise kompleksnu sliku Franca Suberta koju je stvorio Teodor Adorno u nekoliko osvrta na ovog kompozitora, a najvise u clanku?Subert? iz 1928. Adorno je te, 1928. godine doziveo Suberta kao tragicnog kompozitora cija muzika obitava u oblasti htonskih bogova, a da ipak otkriva radost?putujuceg naroda, opsenara i cudotvoraca?. Ipak, nije objasnio kako ova radost moze da prezivi u paklenim pejsazima Subertove htonske muzike. Tek kasnije Adorno je bio spreman da u Subertu prepozna, zahvaljujuci njegovom?habitusu?, i kafanskog sviraca, (...)
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    Kant's Politics: Provisional Theory for an Uncertain World.Alex Karolis - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (1):111-114.
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    Palgrave Advances in Continental Political Thought.Alex Karolis - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (2):220-222.
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    Sin And The Experience Of Finiteness.Veress Károly - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13):39-46.
    Today’s philosophical thinking mostly deals with the problem of sin from a religious, phenomenological or ethical point of view. This paper is an attempt to find hermeneutical points of view for the possibility of an interpretation of sin which can be opened by philosophical hermeneutics with reference to our historical being, the linguistic form of experience and the experience of finitude. The train of thoughts takes us from the analysis of the concept “original sin” to the disclosure of the speculative (...)
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    Multi-temperature equal channel angular pressing of Mg-3 wt%Al-1 wt%Zn alloy.Peter Molnár & Aleš Jäger - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (27):3612-3626.
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  49. Ultrafilter Extensions of Bounded Graphs are Elementary.Zalán Molnár - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-23.
    The main motivation of this paper is the study of first-order model theoretic properties of structures having their roots in modal logic. We will focus on the connections between ultrafilter extensions and ultrapowers. We show that certain structures (called bounded graphs) are elementary substructures of their ultrafilter extensions, moreover their modal logics coincide.
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    A fizika kultúrtörténete a kezdetektől 1990-ig.Károly Simonyi - 1998 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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